
Digital Readiness Dashboard - Public

The Digital Readiness Dashboard provides the public with information about how technology supports learning within Indiana schools.

Education - Workforce Pipelines Report

See the supply of credentialed/degreed individuals by Indiana's Economic Growth Regions and the employment and median wages by sector.

Finance Dashboard

Form 9 financial data provides revenue, expenditure, and cash balances for local education agencies, including school corporations and charter schools.  The data is also used for state and federal reporting purposes.

High School Graduate Employment Outcomes

This dashboard reports employment outcomes for high school graduates. Metrics reported are employment, sustained employment, median wage.

Public 3rd Grade Reading Data

The 3rd Grade Reading Report provides trends over time for Good Cause Exemptions (GCEs) and the retention of students who have not passed IREAD. Please note this data does not include students who may have moved out of the state, exited to homeschool, etc.

School Corporation COVID-19 Reimbursement

The dashboard reflects reimbursement claims processed by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to date and may not reflect actual expenditures. Schools must expend funds locally prior to requesting reimbursement from IDOE.

Teacher Compensation Dashboard

This dashboard was initially developed by the Next Level Teacher Compensation Commission (2019) focused on making compensation of Indiana teachers competitive with surrounding states.